An honoring ceremony was held for the participants in the #Assistance_Drug course within the axis of distraction and education that is sponsored by the association, where attendance certificates approved by the Department of Drug Control were presented to the participants in the session.
The session was held through the zoom technique over a period of three days, implemented by the #Association_Cavoys_Good_For Relief and Development and in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Where the volunteer team of the association # Ambassadors of Good and many other societies, doctors and university students participated in the session.
The course aims to educate and train volunteers and provide them with sufficient information and methods to prepare training bags to be ambassadors and support for the Drug Enforcement Administration to educate society, especially the youth, about the danger of the scourge of drugs, its various forms, methods of smuggling them, and the damages they cause to the abuser and the addict. The long experience of the lecturers in the field of drug control.